Binbo Danshi
Koyama Kazumi is a poor but optimistic college student who firmly believing that there are more important things than money. Despite his own poverty he ends up taking on other people's debts and faces various challenges to pay off those debts.Cast
- Oguri Shun as Koyama Kazumi
- Yashima Norito as Hikita Shuzo
- Yamada Yu as Nakahara Mimi
- Miura Haruma as Shiraishi Ryo
- Yusuke Santamaria as Omuomu
- Kamiji Yusuke as Teruteru
- Otoo Takuma as Chagie
- Ichige Yoshie as Koyama Shizue
- Naka Riisa as Shinjo Sumire
- Title: 貧乏男子
- Title (romaji): Binbo Danshi
- Tagline: ボンビーメン / Bomb bee men
- Format: Renzoku
- Genre: Comedy
- Episodes: 9
- Viewership ratings: 11.6(Kanto)
- Broadcast network: NTV
- Broadcast period: 2008-Jan-15 to 2008-Mar-11
- Air time: Tuesday 22:00
- Theme song: Monochrome by BENNIE K

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